Monday, November 29, 2010

Too Much Time

Too much time has passed since the last blog post. I have thought of several things in the past months that were blog worthy and never made it my priority to write them down here.
One that sticks out to me was watching the Chilean Mine Rescue. I held my breath (not literally or else I wouldn't be here) while the rescue cage entered the mine to reach the first miner. I was relieved when they made it to the men and then I had to hold my breath again as they started to bring him to the surface. I did this each time I saw the cage go down and prayed that the equipment would not fail and retain the men underground even longer.

As I watched and waited I enjoyed the commentary and how so many of the men swore that there were 34 men in the mine not just the 33 that we could see because God was with them. Amen! God was definitely with them in that mine as they were able to sustain for so long. I can't remember his exact number now but it may have been man 9 who upon reaching the surface and being released from the cage got down on his knees and prayed. I am sure he was thanking God for saving them and returning him to his family but his testament to the world as we watched was also great. He could have run straight to his family and the Chilean president but he knew that praising and thanking God should be first and that's what he did. Just like one of the ten lepers that Jesus healed this miner remembered to thank God for his wondrous work.

As we have come through the Thanksgiving season I hope that we all thanked God for what he has done in our lives in the past year. As we enter the Christmas season may we once again praise God for the gift of us son Jesus.

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