Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sanctus Real

For those of you who were able to attend Hills Alive 2010 and see Sanctus Real you probably recall the lead singer Matthew talking about his baby boy Bowen who was to be born in September with a heart defect. I have not followed the story closely but heard an update on KSLT yesterday that little Bowen was on life support so I decided to look into what's been happening and it is truly amazing!
Bowen was born on September 9th and he, his parents and the doctors have been praying and working to sustain his life on this earth since that day. He has had surgeries and has been on life support. After watching a nurse sustain his life directly and the doctors go into surgery Matthew and his wife Sarah continued their prayer and shared this portion on their website: "Father, if this is even a fraction of the pain that you felt when you gave us Your only Son…we thank You for letting Jesus die on the cross. Put into motion the redemptive and healing power of Your Son’s death to spare the life of ours.” Wow, what a prayer as you're watching your baby son fight for his life.
This prayer really spoke to me and made a tear run down my face but I love the comparison they give to their baby boy and the love they have for him in few short months compared to God's love for Jesus and for us and how he willing let Jesus suffer a horrible death so that we can live forever! How GREAT is our God!!!
Please pray for baby Bowen, Matthew, Sarah and their two daughters as they walk down this difficult road that God has placed them on.

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